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RSH launches 'Spouse Career Support' programme

March 30th, 2023

The success of landing a new job and life in the Netherlands often comes with how comfortable a family or (life) partner experiences their new surroundings. In this, a spouses’ ambition – and challenges – for building a career (and finding employment) in the Netherlands is often overlooked.

In support of building a career and/or securing a job in the Netherlands, RSH has launched a Spouse Career Support programme, that provides bespoke professional career assistance and coaching to (life) partners and spouses.

The goal of the programme is to offer more understanding in possible career opportunities, while settling in the Netherlands. The crucial aim is to increase confidence and knowledge in the ability of employees’ (life) partners and spouses to progress along their desired career path.

With the guidance of RSH's experienced in-house career advisors and coaches, the employee's partner or spouse can define and achieve their career goals in the Netherlands….and secure a new job with confidence!

The Spouse Career Support and (life) Partner Employment Coaching programme is available for both companies and their employees and private clients.

For more information read here or contact RSH directly via info@relocation-holland.nl.