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New at RSH: International Babysitting Service for Expat Families

April 9th, 2024

RSH | Relocation and Immigration Services announces an exciting addition aimed at enhancing its Family Relocation Package: the International Childcare Support.

Recognizing the challenges faced by expat families in finding trustworthy, multilingual childcare, RSH has developed a solution tailored to meet their unique needs. The service connects families with experienced, certified babysitters who speak the family's preferred language, ensuring a seamless transition to the new environment.

Why This Service Stands Out

RSH prioritizes the well-being of children, offering peace of mind to families even before their arrival in the Netherlands. Its babysitters are more than just caregivers; they are cultural bridges, acquainted with the best family-friendly spots in the new neighborhood. This approach reduces stress for parents and creates a comfortable, engaging experience for the children.

Facilitating a Seamless Transition

The international babysitting service is designed to allow families to focus on settling into their new lives, confident that their children are in capable hands. This service is part of RSH's commitment to supporting families in their journey to the Netherlands, providing care that is understanding and respectful of their cultural backgrounds.

For more information about our International Childcare Support services, contact RSH via info@relocation-holland.nl or 0031 70 387 1715.